The Law of Awareness states,"You cannot change what you are unaware of."

The snapshot will precisely reveal where your stewardship breach is and how to close the gap. It may create discontent, which is normal... so keep going. The Law of Stewardship says, "Stewardship begins with discontent, followed by a committed plan of action." As with all transformative work, any committed plan of correction is up to you. If you would like to practice greater stewardship, instructions immediately follow the test.

Understanding Stewardship

Stewardship is a constant choice. It is making all life decisions carefully and responsibly using wisdom. The greater stewardship you give to anything, the more of that thing you will get. Ultimate stewardship is caring for your life in a very specific order. That order is:

1. Energy - 2. Time - 3. Soul Purpose - 4. Relationships - 5. Money

This order maximizes one's ability to create from the highest realm of potential and to live the masterpiece life.

The Ultimate Stewardship Continuum

1. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = unimportant / 10 = important), how important is IDEAL stewardship of energy?

2. On the same scale, where would you currently rate your ACTUAL level of energy stewardship?

3. How big is the breach between the IDEAL and the ACTUAL?

4. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = unimportant / 10 = important), how important is IDEAL time management?

5. On the same scale, where would you currently rate your ACTUAL time management stewardship?

6. How big is the breach between the IDEAL and the ACTUAL?

7. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = unimportant / 10 = important), how important is IDEAL stewardship of your soul purpose genius?

8. On the same scale, where would you currently rate your ACTUAL your level of S.P. genius stewardship?

9. How big is the breach between the IDEAL and the ACTUAL?

10. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1=unimportant / 10=important), how important is IDEAL stewardship of relationships?

11. On the same scale, where would you currently rate your ACTUAL level of relationship stewardship?

12. How big is the breach between the IDEAL and the ACTUAL?

13. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = unimportant / 10 = important), how important is IDEAL stewardship of money?

14. On the same scale, where would you currently rate your ACTUAL stewardship of money?

15. How big is the breach between the IDEAL and the ACTUAL?

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